Jacksonville and Sherwood deserve a public servant.

I'm running for State Representative to take my service from the U.S. Army to the legislature. I'm a husband, a technology professional, and an advocate for transparency. I know what service is, and I’m committed to putting you and your family’s concerns first as your District 67 State Representative.


I’m Andrew Cade Eberly. My friends and family call me “Ace” – and you can, too.

My wife Heather and I chose the Natural State as our home after serving our country because I see the promise of Central Arkansas. I planted my roots here for so many reasons: the grit, the history, the diversity, and the opportunity. There is so much potential here.

We deserve a Representative that will fight every day, so we live up to our potential.

about me

I come from a long line of public servants— it’s a family tradition.

My grandparents were veterans and public-school officials in Oklahoma. My parents worked for the State Department of Health growing up in Oklahoma. My father was a Navy veteran himself.  They sacrificed so much for their community, their country, and for me. My parents instilled in me a belief and duty to continue their public service, and that’s why I enlisted in the United States Army as soon as I graduated from my rural public high school.

I enlisted in the United States Army in 2017 and spent one year in South Korea and another four years supporting the Joint Special Operations Command.

My service included:

  • Serving as a Junior CBRN Manager and principal senior advisor on planning and deployment of all tactical CBRN assets, including personnel, to sustain roll two medical field hospital for a 600 personnel Battalion in Dongdecheon, South Korea
  • Serving as the Analytics advisor for a chemical response team (CRT) with a special worldwide response to Chemical and Biological weapons events on a no-notice deployment

    “It’s time for new leadership to move forward for transparency and working people in Jacksonville and Sherwood.”

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    Join our campaign to make a real difference in Arkansas

    Only 510

    voters decided this race last time

    In the legislature, I will fight for YOU

    It's time we had true representation that puts people first.

    You Deserve Transparency in Government.

    You should be able to access information from your government. As someone who previously had top security clearances in the Army, I know why and when the government has a reason to restrict information— and our state government has no reason to be hiding anything from you. Our Governor should not be spending $19,000 on a lectern as she throws 427,000 Arkansans off of their health insurance.

    I’m tired of the status quo, and I know Arkansans are, too. If we pay the folks making decisions in Little Rock, that means they’re beholden to us. Our current legislators aren’t being held accountable, but I will be accountable to you. I will never stop fighting for your access to information. You should know how your tax dollars are being spent.

    You Deserve Strong Public Schools.

    Our schools and our children deserve the best investment and care our state can possibly provide. My top priority will be ensuring that our children have a strong educational foundation to build their lives on. It should be no question that we fund our public schools and keep public funds within our public schools. Anything else is a scam and an insult to Arkansas students. 

    The LEARNS Act takes money away from our already starved public schools. The bill takes taxpayer money and sends it to private schools. Our district’s private schools are great, but their success should not come at the expense of our public schools. Our schools in Sherwood and Jacksonville are historic – we should support them and the families and students who rely on them for a gateway to the middle class.

    You Deserve Fair Wages for Your Hard Work.

    Hard-working Arkansans suffer and struggle day-in and day-out as the richest among us continue to coast and receive tax-giveaways from our state government. It’s simply outrageous and immoral. Wages aren’t increasing, but the cost of groceries, our monthly rent, and our bills in Central Arkansas won’t stop skyrocketing. Our legislators could be fighting for us, but instead, they're fighting for special interests and utility companies.

    There is a cost-of-living crisis right here at home. Working families deserve a break, and the mismanaged priorities at the State Capitol are a distraction. If you elect me to serve you, there won’t be a day at the State Capitol where I’m not focused on increased financial stability and security for the folks in Jacksonville and Sherwood. 

    Join our movement

    We need your investment to win this race.

    I'm a fighter and a public servant. I'll put in the time and effort to win, but we can't do it without grassroots support.

    Can you contribute to our campaign in the most competitive district in Central Arkansas?


    I'm running to win in District 67

    This 2022 race in District 67 was one of the closest in the state last time – with just 3% of voters deciding the outcome. We expect that with Presidential Election turnout it will be even closer this time. Representative Karliyn Brown has served four terms in the State House and continues to fail to deliver for our families in Jacksonville and Sherwood. 

    District 67 includes the section of Sherwood that is west of 67/167, most of Gravel Ridge, and the core of Jacksonville.

    Important Election Dates:

    • Deadline to register to vote in the primary: February 5, 2024
    • Early Voting Begins for Primary Election: February 19, 2024 
    • Primary Election: March 5, 2024
    • Deadline to Register to Vote in the General Election: October 7, 2024
    • Early Voting Begins for General Election: October 21, 2024
    • Deadline to vote in the General Election: November 5, 2024